Submit A Guest Post – Write for Us On Tech

ApkEats is a thriving online community that specializes in sharing the latest Android modded games, apps, and tips and tricks on android gaming.

We take pride in providing quality content to our readers, which is why we are now only accepting paid guest posts from genuine authors and bloggers who share our passion for blogging.

To become a contributor on ApkEats, we recommend that you check out some of our existing posts to gain an understanding of the type of content we publish and what our readers engage with the most.

It’s crucial to focus on producing high-quality content that adds value to our community.

How to submit a guest post to ApkEats?

We accept guest posts on a variety of categories, including

  • Android gaming-related articles
  • Aps and game reviews
  • Android tricks, Including Games
  • Emerging trends in the world of Android gaming,
  • Anything else in this line that has a good chance of being published

We encourage you to conduct a search on APKEATS.COM to avoid submitting ideas that have already been published.

If you’re interested in submitting a guest post to APKEATS.COM, please keep in mind a few essential things.


Credit: We respect individual work and expect the same from our contributors. If your idea is derivative of someone else’s work, please give credit where credit is due.

Article Quality

Additionally, all articles should be a minimum of 1000 words and should cover the topic in detail, with supporting screenshots and videos.

Screenshot + Video:

Images speaks better than a thousand words. Add images to convey your message about your article , don’t add it just for the sake of it. If writing tutorials for gaming, take a screenshot.


We also reserve the right to take down any posts that have been copied or violate our copyright policy.

Submit Sponsored Guest Post

Once you have read and understood our guidelines, you can submit your article by emailing us.

  • Email[email protected]. with following:
  • Sub: Guest posting at APKEATS
  • In body mentioned the Suggested titles and details outline.
  • Your Website Link
  • Volume: Focus Keyword > 10k and realted keywords All > 20K

Cost: 40$

If you have any queries regarding guest posting at APKEATS, do let us know via the contact form.


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